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One of the most common questions we get is “What is the difference between Design for Licensing and Design for Manufacturing?” In regards to our process at in Enhance, we recommend Design for Licensing first!

Design for Licensing is where we develop a concept, which can range from a napkin sketch to a redesign of an existing product. In this phase, the computer-aided model or CAD is developed for licensing purposes and does not have engineer features. The CAD is then used to make the renderings for marketing. Once the product development is completed in the design phase, it will enter the licensing phase, where it is pitched to potential licensees and manufacturers.

A Design for Licensing package, would include photo-realistic images (renderings) that would show the concept as if it were a physical product, with color and material choices.

Design for Manufacturing usually occurs further down the road. If a marketing deal is struck in the licensing phase, the product will move into the engineering phase where the product will be developed for manufacturing. The engineer will take the conceptual design and CAD files from the design phase and continue to refine them for mass production.

Example of Design for Manufacturing would be adjusting tolerances, draft angles, and fasteners.

The Design for Licensing route is a much more cost-effective way to bring the concept to life.  It can show how the product would possibly function without going into a huge amount detail regarding the  ins-and-outs of the product.


  • CAD– Computer-Aided Design
  • Molds– Use a male and female housing to receptivity create production-ready parts
  • Renderings– a work of visual art, or photo-realistic image
  • Draft Angle– the amount of taper for the mold or cast parts perpendicular to the parting line. Allow the manufacturer to remove the part out of the mold with little resistance.
  • Fasteners– usually a hardware device that mechanically joins or affixes two or more parts together
  • Tolerances– the limit or limits how parts fit


Enhance Product Development is a professional design firm that specializes in launching new products for inventors, entrepreneurs and start ups.  For product development inquiries please contact Enhance Product Development at or call us at 877-993-6426.

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