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Marketing is a key essential for creating interest in your product, company, or brand. Below are the top 5 marketing styles from 2023.

1: Marketing via an Influencer 

When you and your business collaborates with influencers you can expand your brand’s awareness and gain fans from the influencer’s audience. Unfortunately, most can’t afford to hire a celebrity influencer with millions of followers and that’s where Micro-influencers come into play.

Micro-influencers are social media promoters with a smaller following (typically, only a few thousand followers). Although they have fewer followers, their posts often receive higher levels of engagement due to these Micro-influencers being considered “everyday” people (unlike those celebrity influencers with millions of followers), their audiences are more likely to trust their opinions and recommendations.

2: Videos – Short & Sweet

Not only does it take less bandwidth to create a short-length video, but this type of format aligns well with the current attention spans of online audiences.

This form of marketing can be seen on platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and Snapchat.

3: Customer Service via Social Media

Leveraging social media as a customer service tool is relatively new and using direct messages (DM’s) to offer customer support becomes the new normal.

It’s also fair to mention that consumers want to communicate and reach out to brands via DM’s rather than through their website or company number – The majority of those consumers being the Millennial and Gen Z crowd.

4: Mobile Web-Optimization 

More than half of online website traffic comes from mobile devices, including tablets. It’s not just laptop and desktop computers anymore.

As Millennials and Gen Z audiences continue to grow into their “buying power,” mobile-optimized digital experiences will be even more vital to consider as a business owner who markets to these fast-paced generations.

5: Experiential Marketing – Making a Comeback?

Experiential marketing campaigns enable audiences to step into an immersive experience that is often in a physical place or via an AR/VR platform. Although immersive experiences are fun, effective, and highly shareable on social media, they certainly have their limitations.

Even putting together a branded AR/VR experience is a high-budget project that relies on audiences to have tools like AR/VR headsets or the latest smartphone technology to access the content. But, as digitally immersive platforms continue to get more accessible to larger audiences, the possibility of experiential marketing can make a comeback.