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Inventor Wisdom From The Founder of Spanx

I used to sit at the dining room table as a kid and my dad would ask me what I failed at that week. If I tried out for a school play and didn’t get it, he would high-five me. He always encouraged me to fail. I didn’t realize at the time how much this...

Invention Corner: Teleflage

One of the products that Enhance Product Development designed for a client can now be bought online! Breana Hubbard hired Enhance Product Development to help bring her idea to fruition through CAD models and renderings, or ‘virtual prototypes’ that has...

Licensing Your Invention Idea

As a product developer or inventor, there are two ways to get your product to market: licensing or manufacture and sell it yourself. Manufacturing and selling it yourself is pretty self explanatory, but licensing has multiple meanings and often confuses people. What...

Interesting Patent: Apple’s Online Identity Cloner

Everyone knows that you can be identified by your fingerprints in the real world…but how are you identified in cyber space? “In a sense if the user engages in any Internet activity, information may be successfully collected about that user,”...

Is My Product Idea Patentable?

So, you have a great idea for a new product, but you don’t want to tell anyone your idea until you have some kind of patent protection on it. What do you do? Although we don’t recommend talking to any random lawyer, especially at a drive-thru, the best way...